Tuesday, 14 June 2011

DANISH WAKEEL New Collection - Official Photos

A couple of months ago I was asked to photograph the new Danish collection entitled Dandy Meets the Metrosexual. This Friday gone was the unveiling show so the official photos can now be released. Here is a small selection.

Danish, April 11_0046

Danish, April 11_0049





London Fashion Designer DANISH Unveils New Collection

Friday saw the unveiling of the latest collection from my regular client Danish Wakeel, entitled Dandy Meets the Metrosexual.

The show was filled with originality and spectacle and here are just a few sample images.






Sunday, 12 June 2011

New Wedding Brochure for Tonbridge Castle

When the people at Tonbridge Castle invited me to be an official photographer in their brand new wedding brochure they also gave me the opportunity to take some featured shots. Whilst not the photographer at this wedding on Saturday, I was asked to provide some suitable shots of the castle with a wedding going on. Having been the official photographer at many weddings, I had to resist the instinct to focus on the people. Rather this was a commercial rather than wedding shoot.

Tonbridge Castle website

Tonbridge Castle

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Product Photography with Beautiful Retail Bags

A big thanks to the people at Crazy Bags, who provide and custom design bags for retail, exhibitions and much much more.

I was asked to provide beautiful photography for 30 of the bags for the big marketing event at Olympia. The specification was highly exacting and the challenge was to get it just right, with the right mix of lighting, shadow, product illumination and background.

